Place-based palette workshop!

Hello all. It's been too long since our last lab note and that's because Tim, Corinne, and I have been working really hard to bring together the culminating workshop for our final milestone. After we deliver this workshop, we will be ciricling back to share the findings we made along the way before closing out the project.
That being said we're happy to annouce that we're working with Biocurious in Santa Clara to run a 4-hour workshop on March 29th using the BioArtBot and the place-based palette that we've been working so hard on.
Please share this with anybody you think might be intersted and also let them know that they can get $50 off the ticket price with the code IHeartMicrobes. Attached to this post is also a flyer we have been using to promote this workshop with some of the great designs that Corinne has been working on.