Haven't backed any projects yet!
Hello all. It's been too long since our last lab note and that's because Tim, Corinne, and I have been working really hard to bring together the culminating workshop for our final milestone. After ...
An aspect of our project that we feel passionate about is the opportunity to draw attention to different microbiology projects that are happening around us. Just as there are microbes everywhere th...
After publishing our lab note describing our approach to safely isolating and identifying potential microbes for our palette we began to work on a more detailed protocol to follow at the bench. We ...
If we’re covered in microbes why might there be a risk in growing them?Microbes exist all around us: on almost every surface, in the air, on food, and in our bodies. Even when it seems like we are ...
Our team is based in 3 distinct locations: Long Island City, NY (Danny); Oakland, CA (Tim); and Honolulu, HI (Corinne). The idea for place-based microbial palettes comes from wanting to support wor...
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