Laura Enzor

Laura Enzor

Apr 28, 2024

Group 6 Copy 15

Our Experimental System!

Wor king in the field of Global Climate Change, you have to create an environment that doesn't exist yet. Additionally, environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity and pH don't change one at at time; they change concomitantly. This means the interaction of the variables can have just as much impact as the variables by themselves. At the University of Hartford, I have built an experimental system that allows me to explore the effects of projected environmental variables on aquatic organisms both singly and in concert. In the sumps/mixing reservoirs, seawater is manipulated to the desired level of temperature, salinity, pH or dissolved oxygen for the given experiment. The water is then pumped to four tanks, randomly distributed on a shelving system. The effluent water is gravity-fed to a series of PVC pipes, and a pump returns the effluent water to a filter, and then the sump to be re-treated before it is recirculated back to the exposure tanks.

Experimental System built at the University of Hartford


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About This Project

Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, are a keystone species and a focal aquaculture species. These bivalves consume large amounts of microplastics (MP’s) as they filter surrounding waters for food. Microbes can colonize the surface of MP’s, including human pathogens of the genus Vibrio, which can then be transmitted to humans when oyster are consumed raw. This project aims to explore MP’s as a vector for human pathogens under projected climate change scenarios.

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