Sarah McAnulty

Sarah McAnulty

Apr 13, 2015

Group 6 Copy 237

Hemocyte Confocal Microscopy

Today was a great day for confocal microscopy! After bleeding one of our squid I stained these cells with antibodies for immune genes that I'm interested in. I am trying to figure out if there are subpopulations of hemocytes or if all hemocytes are effectively the same.

Confocal microscopy is awesome because you can look at just one plane of view, which you can't do with a normal light or fluorescence microscope. The scope blocks out any out-of-focus light in your sample, allowing you to get very crisp images, like you see here:

It's also really cool because you can visually section a cell or tissue and then reconstruct a 3-D image like this

This work was made possible by all our donors! Thanks for helping me characterize the circulating hemocyte population!


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About This Project

The Hawaiian Bobtail squid has a glowing bacterium that lives in a specialized organ on their underside. As the squid swims at night, the bacteria glow, preventing predators from detecting the squid's silhouette against the moonlight. Squid immune cells are able to distinguish beneficial from harmful bacteria and know to kill only harmful bacteria. Our lab researches how the immune system makes this decision.
Blast off!

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