Robert Kuhn

Robert Kuhn

Oct 16, 2023

Group 6 Copy 68

One Hundred Samples Extracted So Far

We have successfully extracted DNA from over 100 pillbugs submitted from Georgia, North Carolina, California and New York. Each sample will have PCR and gene sequence of both the COI mitochondrial gene (for species confirmation and comparison of gene region) and Wsp, a Wolbachia assay gene, we can use to identify the strain of Wolbachia and compare it genetically. So far we are finding Wolbachia in about 60% of our samples. Your funding support will help us afford to sequence both genes for each pillbug. THANK YOU!


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About This Project

The maternally vertical transmitted bacterial reproductive parasite Wolbachia occurs in ~50% of all arthropods including the pillbug Armadillidium vulgare. In some pillbugs, Wolbachia feminizes genetic male offspring into functioning anatomical females. A second feminizing phenomenon is a nuclear insert called the f-element. We will be the first to determine the frequency of thes two sex ratio distorter distribution in A. vulgare across the United States.

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