Jaime J. Coon

Jaime J. Coon

Oct 27, 2016

Group 6 Copy 149

Prizes for Donors

We have prizes! If we reach our goal, five random backers will be chosen to receive a piece of artwork by Amy West. Amy creates images of wildlife through pressed plant collages, and she is making five new pieces of art just for us! Each of these pieces will feature the grassland wildlife that is the focus of our project. You can see more examples of Amy's work in the files attached to this note. 

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About This Project

Though grasslands are increasingly scarce in the Midwest, there are pockets remaining on private lands grazed by cattle. Restoration thus requires balancing the needs of birds with the needs of landowners. To address this, we propose to research habitat quality for grassland birds in a working landscape. Using field data, we study grassland bird abundance, prey abundance, and nest site selection in response to invasive management and human decisions driving landscape changes.

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