Melissa Wilson

Melissa Wilson

Apr 23, 2016

Group 6 Copy 116

Gila monster genome on Arizona 3TV

Thank you so much to Jason Volentine for his story on the Gila monster genome on Arizona's 3TV news yesterday featuring Dale DeNardo and a little cameo from me!

In particular, I love that they didn't oversell what we're doing. We are generating new fundamental knowledge about the DNA of the Gila monster. That is valuable in itself. There are aspects of the Gila monster saliva that were co-opted into Type-II diabetes drugs, and are in clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease. That is incredible. But fundamental information about the Gila monster is still needed. Generating the Gila monster genome will not, in itself, make huge strides on those diseases, but it will provide a new tool that will progress the field.

Screenshot from the coverage (to watch, click the link above):


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About This Project

The Gila monster, with its distinctive black and orange pattern, is one of Arizona’s most iconic animals. A peptide from its saliva has inspired treatments for diabetes, but Gila monsters are currently threatened by habitat destruction and poaching. Surprisingly there is no Gila monster genome. By sequencing and analyzing Gila monster DNA, we will contribute critical knowledge and resources for the study of Gila monster venom in medical genetics and for their conservation.

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