Cindy Wu

Cindy Wu

Feb 08, 2015

The process

Creamed Butter

Melted Butter

I measured the temperatures of both of the batters. The melted butter batter was a tad bit higher in temperature compared to the creamed butter version. This was expected since I melted the butter in the microwave thus bringing up the temperature of the batter.

creamed ^

melted ^

I labeled the parchment paper with 350°, 375°, and 400°. I will be baking the cookies for 25 minutes for each batch. I will also be testing room temperature batter vs. refrigerated batter.

Cookies are coming soon!

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  • Noll Steinweg
    Noll Steinweg
    We could hook you up with some temperature logging equipment to make sure your oven is calibrated between batches.
    Feb 08, 2015
  • Cindy Wu
    Cindy WuResearcher
    Noll, that would be rad! The best way to do this is probably to have multiple ovens running at the same time. Unfortunately, I don't think my kitchen was designed for science. :weary:
    Feb 08, 2015

About This Project

The chocolate chip cookie recipe has never been standardized. If you've alway wondered what goes into making a chocolate chip cookie chewy, cakey, or crunchy then you're going to like this project. I plan to make 8-10 batches of cookies at three different temperatures switching out one independent variable at a time. I will start by comparing creamed butter to melted butter. For every $100 contributed to this project, I will test an additional variable. You're also invited to join me at my home and eat the cookies if you become a backer.
Blast off!

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