Riley Drake

Riley Drake

Apr 07, 2022

Group 6 Copy 891

What's it like to be a caver? (Caving with Emily TenCate)

Now for something special...Today we have an interview with Emily TenCate, one of the members of our field team this summer. Emily talks about her experiences with caving, cave science, and why she chose to join our project team.

Emily and John inspect a gravity filter during a science trip in Fort Stanton Cave.

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About This Project

The Tongass National Forest in Alaska contains both damaged and undamaged caves. These caves are homes to a bacteria-rich mineraloid formation called moonmilk. Microbial communities play critical roles in maintaining ecosystem stability. This motivated our team of cavers and cave explorers to travel to remote field sites this summer to collect and analyze samples and attempt to answer the question: Does human-caused damage to cave formations change the moonmilk ecosystem?

Blast off!

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