

Aug 28, 2023

Group 6 Copy 903
  • 1. Banerji, S., Hõrak, H., Torop, J., & Huynh, T. (2023). Unravelling the Secrets of Plants: Emerging Wearable Sensors for Plants Signals and Physiology. Advanced Sensor Research. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/adsr.202300023
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    About This Project

    This project seeks to experiment with haptic sensory substitution ("a way to bypass one traditional sensory organ by using another"), as a mean to augment human perception in relation to other living beings and the environment. That is, couple the human central nervous system (through the feeling of touch) to the state/activity of other forms of life, so as to empirically explore the qualia, cultural, and ecological implications of such entanglements.

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