Group 6 Copy 23

Luchima meeting August 13

Project Manager Bwasama convened a meeting with the village government which was well attended (Project Coordinator Monique was also there). Luchima is among the closest of villages to Katavi National Park, lying only a few hundred metres from the Kavuu River and park boundary, and has had difficult history with the park. Our meeting secured the commitment of the Sungusungu - traditional policing body - in halting non-retaliatory lion killings in the area. Like other nine villages, Luchima has already discussed bylaws which prohibit traditional dancing and rewarding practices. Both village leaders and the Sungusungu squad in Luchima, believe that dancing as a result of hunted lions in the park is wrong, and contrary to Sukuma etiquette, thus they have keenly opposed these practices. It is from this fact WASIMA campaign stands firmly on to empower these traditional institutions to help stop hunting and killings of lions in Katavi National Park. By having functional bylaws systems, with increased knowledge, through long-term awareness and educational interventions, it is anticipated that Luchima will eventually turn lion killings into historical archives.

Two movie nights were well attended, despite some initial problems with the generator and a faulty amplifier – luckily we could borrow from a local town 25kms away.


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About This Project

Tanzania is the primary remaining stronghold of lions, however the numbers are declining precipitously. There are many causes, but the lion-killing by locals plays an important part. We’ve organized a campaign to empower local sentiment against illegal lion killing and enhance environmental practices on the national park boundaries. We now need to test the effectiveness of this campaign and determine where and how expand its operations.
Blast off!

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