

Sep 04, 2017

Group 6 Copy 222

Update 09/17

Hi Guys!

after a few weeks of intense working with Multec on the printerhead problem, we think that we have found a solution. The printerhead is fully functioning, except one small piece that could be damaged during the transport (although everything was packed in fluffy stuff). This piece is a small sensor that is responsible for the height of the hotends and it seemed broken. They changed the sensor and returned the printhead. Next week we will assembly it to the printer, recalibrate it and print again. We hope that it will finally work.

In the meantime, we were not dreaming all the time. As already said Joachim and I are currently moving to another location. It’s a small house that is nearly completely empty at the moment but is has enough space for our materials, tools, printer and a huge workroom for our prototyping. The next days will be full of paperhanging, painting etc., more pictures will follow soon!

Stay tuned and keep on lucid dreaming ;)

Joachim and Peter


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About This Project

While dreaming, you can become aware of the fact that you are dreaming and control your dream. This is called lucid dreaming. Although it would be great to know the science behind this phenomenon, research in lucid dreaming is difficult since frequent lucid dreamers are rarely encountered. We want to investigate the neurophysiology of lucid dream induction and develop a reliable lucid dream induction technique.

Blast off!

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