

University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg

Research Associate


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Apr 18, 2020

Back to the roots

Hey folks,it's been a while since the last update but I am still on this project and many things have happened during the last months. After spending so much time and energy in this project, I fina...

Group 6 Copy 427
Published on Jul 06, 2019

First night experiences

After trying to sleep with the setup tonight and continuously fixing the position of the electrodes (in particular the reference) due to the incredible heat in my flat, I finally gave up. Today I w...

Group 6 Copy 274
Published on Jul 05, 2019

First test run

Hey folks,the last weeks have been very tough. However, my new flat and workspace are furnished and I now can go back to work again without unnecessary distractions. Although I currently have to wr...

Group 6 Copy 403
Published on May 13, 2019

Stuck in chaos

Hey Dreamers, after the last labnote, only a few things happened. I had tested the openBCI device with several versions of my dry electrodes and failed multiple times, the best results were deliver...

Group 6 Copy 391
Published on Jan 15, 2019


Hey guys!Just a short labnote for you: all new upgrades have arrived and were mounted, the machines were calibrated and run totally perfect. The designs are nearly finished, now everything will be ...

Group 6 Copy 464
Published on Nov 05, 2018

Slow but steady

Hey folks!It has been a while since the last labnote and many things happened during the last months – all of them can be summarized in one word: underestimation. If there is one thing that we have...

Group 6 Copy 311
Published on Apr 18, 2018

Nerd adventures

Hey folks!It has been a while since we have posted the last labnote and many things happened during this time. The good news: we could finally start doing the important work instead of continuously...

Group 6 Copy 491
Published on Jan 10, 2018

Needle in a haystack

Needle in a haystackHey guys!After weeks of struggling around, tons of testprints and enormous expenditure of time, we found out what most likely causes the problems in our prints. We talked to man...

Group 6 Copy 253
Published on Oct 24, 2017

3D-Printing is madness

3D-Printing is madnessHi folks!Last week we received a new update from multec and were able to rebuild the printer. With the new printerhead and updates, the printer should finally do the things fo...

Group 6 Copy 199
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Reply to:William CroftWilliam Croft
Thank you very much, I am now following and will create an account after work, I redirected the link to my med-tech colleague who helps us with the setup
Reply to:William CroftWilliam Croft
Thanks William for these motivating words ;) we want to place the 16 electrodes homogeneous around the scalp and have no general preference since it is still unclear where exactly critical correlates of lucidity arise... although there is a tendency to frontal areas (
Reply to:Chris CasadyChris Casady
Sorry for that unclear wording, changed it ;)
Reply to:Chris CasadyChris Casady
Sorry for that unclear wording, I am not proud of my english skills. Changed it ;)
Meanwhile I think that lucid dreaming takes just a small glimpse of this project... its rather about planning and coordinating tasks, getting lost in everything and - much more difficult - find the way back, realizing that certain ideas are not convertible and generating new and better ones... I ...more
Reply to:William CroftWilliam Croft
Thank you William, we actually do not need all the elctrodes for the polysomnography, just a few if we follow the guidelines of the AASM (for EEG it was just F4, C4, and O2). Considering lucid dreaming, lucid dream induction techniques and stimulation, also hypnagogic/hypnopompic states and RISP ...more
Reply to:William CroftWilliam Croft
Hey William, you are totally right! The electrodes printed from this design serve just as a prototype for a) testing the approach of Krachunov and Casson and b) the installation of the cyton+daisy board and the additional stimulation hardware, something like a "bulky playground". The final design...more
Reply to:William CroftWilliam Croft
Hey William, you are totally right! The electrodes printed from this design serve just as a test kit for a) the approach of Krachunov and Casson and b) the installation of the cyton+daisy board and the additional stimulation hardware, something like a "bulky playground". The final design is not r...more