Single-Stream Recycling Service Begins at USCB (3 Campuses)
11 January 2020 -- Bluffton, South Carolina

Dear Backers,
After obtaining all approvals from the administration of my university, I initiated a contract with Pro Disposal to begin our single-stream recycling service that will take place immediately on the three campuses at my university. These campuses include the Bluffton Campus, the Beaufort Campus, and the Hilton Head Island Campus. The campuses are each on a different town and are adjacent. Pro Disposal dropped off the dumpsters and our university is ready to begin to recycle for the Spring 2020 semester. The success of installing this program came from ALL OF YOU!
I also applied for a grant from the organization called PalmettoPride. From this awarded grant, I was able to purchase 8 outdoor steel recycling receptacles that will be stationed in key locations throughout the university to help encourage folks to recycle more during the hustle and bustle of getting to a lecture. I have also purchased an industrial scale that will allow me weigh out recyclables for my waste audits in a reliable way. Once the Dept. of Facilities assembles and distributes the receptacles and after I assemble the scale, I will show you pictures of these cool things!! The folks at PalmettoPride have been very kind to donate to our Experiment fundraiser and to also select me as a recipient for the competitive 2020 PalmettoPride Litter Grant.
The next goal is that my environmental club will make important educational outreach across the university (in various ways) to get people to use the recycling bins and to not throw recyclables into the trash. To begin with the educational outreach campaign, I started a video that will be sent to all of the faculty and staff, which amounts to about 300 people, to communicate on how to begin recycling under the new system. Here is a video (see below) and stay tuned for more updates.
Dr. D'Antonio