Anna Delprato

Anna Delprato

May 03, 2016

Group 6 Copy 90


When I was a student, I had the opportunity to work on a research project with a professional scientist via a summer internship. For me, it was a life changing experience. I enrolled in graduate school, obtained a PhD. and have been a researcher ever since. Twenty something years later, I still love what I do. Even if research hadn't been my thing, the internship provided me with the chance to explore potential vocational paths, gain hands on experience, learn something new, and work with a professional. High school students/K12 have almost no chance for a similar experience despite being at a critical stage in their intellectual development. Therefore, we offer all students regardless of institution or academic achievement, the opportunity to intern with us.


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  • ValerieBohann
    You are right, Opportunity is a blessing beyond comprehension. Nice post.
    Feb 08, 2019
  • RichardRAnderson
    Success is where opportunity meets for student. This post is really recommendable. I really like this post.
    Feb 01, 2019

About This Project

BioScience Project

Project Brainstorm is a research and teaching project in Neuroscience aimed at mining and analyzing open access data related to brain disease and behavioral genetics. With the help of student interns (K12), we will study gene expression data to uncover patterns, correlations, and networks. The research will focus on general behaviors like learning and memory as well disorders such as depression, Schizophrenia and Autism. All data, insights, and materials from these studies will be shared.

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