We already have results! Hello everyone! we are pleased to report that thanks to the support received, it has been possible for us to successfully complete and submit our manuscript titled Prediction and validation of the three-dimensional structure of glucokinase-1 from Phytophthora infestans for an open access journal and we are waiting to be accepted for publication. I also take the opportunity to tell you that with this work we were able to identify a possible regulatory site that promises to be a potential target for the design of future inhibitors of the kinase activity of PiGlcK-1, a key enzyme in the metabolism of P. infestasn, which would be contributing to the search for a solution to the threat posed by late blight for potato and tomato crops around the world. Do not miss it! In a short time, we hope to share with all of you the article already published.
Liara Villalobos-Piña and the Center for Scientific Calculus, University of Los Andes (CeCalCULA).