Pranav Khandelwal

Pranav Khandelwal

Apr 17, 2016

Group 6 Copy 214

Y'all have made it happen!

This is special! A simple thank you cannot express what this means :) We have achieved the goal in 16 days and it couldn't have been possible without your support!

I am excited to take you on this journey with me - through dense tropical forest, running behind flying lizards, with glimpses of hidden treasures that the rainforest holds on the way.

I will make sure to keep y'all updated with more lab notes and cool videos!

Science needs support to grow, to turn ideas to reality and you have helped put the foundation for it.

Much dragon love coming your way!

Thank you! :)



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About This Project

Gliding animals are not paper planes - and yet many studies have modeled them so. Flying lizards are agile gliders with a unique wing design, capable of active control over their glide path. Past research has studied lizard glides in 2D, which cannot capture details like body shape and orientation. I will track body points in 3D during the glide along with morphometric measurements, which will lead to more realistic models and give insights into gliding biomechanics of these animals.

Blast off!

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An ecology project funded by 284 people

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