Off to field season!
Once again, thanks everyone for all of your support throughout our fundraising process!
First of all we have some good news: Alex and I published a commentary in the Society of American Forester's newspaper (The Forestry Source) on crowdfunding in forestry. If you're interested in reading it, here is the link!
Now it's time to head off to the field, with these supplies you helped us buy!
This weekend we are both off to Spain and India. You will be able to view our blog posts here in our lab notes, and for those of you receiving monthly email updates we will be switching off every month (I'll be first in a few weeks, and Alex will conclude in August). If you are eligible to receive a postcard, those will be sent in July. Lastly, we will reach out individually for Skype calls.
We'll be in touch shortly with updates from the field!
All the best,
-Alex and Kyra