Kyra Prats

Kyra Prats


Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Aug 11, 2015

Cork oaks in the news and in museums!

Hello everyone,About a month ago I saw this NY Times article about cork oaks and ecotourism, and I wanted to share it with you all. Tourists now have the opportunity to watch and participate in a c...

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Published on Jul 22, 2015

Snapshots from the field and lab

Hey everyone! I've officially wrapped up my field work and have been working on processing samples! Along the way I've had help from 3 undergraduate students here at the Autonomous University of Ba...

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Published on Jun 23, 2015

Catalan cork oaks

It's been a while since I last wrote a blog post! I've been busy doing my field work and planning for the longer trips to Andalucía. I have most of the southern field sites picked out according to ...

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Published on May 29, 2015


Here is an example of a cork oak woodland, located outside of a small town called Vilarnadal. This area is in the province of Girona, which borders France to the north. There are plenty of cork oak...

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Published on May 19, 2015

Greetings from the Herbarium

Hello everyone! I arrived in Barcelona a week ago, and have been busy with many preparations. One of the first things I needed to do was visit the herbarium at the Institut Botànic de Barcelona. Th...

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Published on May 06, 2015

Off to field season!

Once again, thanks everyone for all of your support throughout our fundraising process! First of all we have some good news: Alex and I published a commentary in the Society of American Forester's ...

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Published on Apr 03, 2015

We made it!!

As our crowdfunding campaign officially ends, we want to extend another HUGE thank you to everyone for donating to our project!! With your help we made our initial goal AND surpassed our stretch go...

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Published on Mar 25, 2015

Stretch goal and updated budget information!

A HUGE thank you to all of our backers for donating to our project, as well as to everyone who has spread the word by sharing the link!!!!! The support has been outstanding and we were able to get ...

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Published on Mar 17, 2015

So why crowdfunding?

While we are applying to other grants*, crowd funding presents a unique opportunity to raise seed money to start our projects up and to share our project ideas before we start our research. The see...

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