Important developments!
Though gastroenteritis has slowed down my activities on the water this week, there are other key project details to report on.
- First, after extensive discussions with Emiliano Gonzales, one of the main captains I'm working with, it appears that my original budget was significantly overestimated. Actual costs will be closer to $360/day, which means the Experiment budget should look more like $4680, not $6500! We're already nearly at our goal!
- Second, has extended my fundraising period by an extra week, so I have a little extra time to meet my goal. All indications are that this fundraising campaign will be a success, and that we'll have plenty of funds for boat work!
- Finally, I received my official research permits from ACOSA this week! Our whale work is officially sanctioned by the Costa Rican authorities! It must be emphasized how important this last step was! And what a coup for me! It's a real honor to receive the Costa Ricans' recognition and trust in this way.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the project's backers: thanks to you, we're almost there!