I hated science. This aversion is rooted in my early teens: culminating from 1) how my grade schools exposed me to science, and from 2) a high school experience that reinforced a disposition that a heady "bohemian" wouldn't fit in in hard science. I had no chance. 12 years later, I realized it is possible to have an interest in the avant garde, be a dissident and eccentric, and be a passionate scientist. A series of experiences and profound epiphanies brought me to this. First: I learned that Listeria Monocytogenes, upon contact with stomach acid, initiates a "cytoskeletal actin nucleation". A dynamic, protective armor is suddenly synthesized. And, the very synthesis of which also propels L-mono to-and-through the stomach epithelium. I was floored! Second: I was lucky to have university science faculty embrace my passion and eccentricity. A comfort from which enabled me to excel and dig deeper into science than I ever would have assumed Thusly, I am now applying to graduate programs, hoping to study molecular neuroscience with focus on better understanding and treating epilepsy, and its comorbidities.
May 2014