Nicolas Nicolaou, Ph.D. is a co-founder and a senior scientist and algorithms engineer at Algolysis Ltd. He has obtained a Ph.D. in 2011 and an M.S. in 2006 from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Connecticut, and B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus in 2003. His research interests lie in the areas of distributed systems, design and analysis of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms, distributed ledgers (blockchains), security for embedded devices and critical infrastructures, and sensor networks. He held various academic positions as a visiting faculty until 2014, as an IEF Marie Curie Fellow at IMDEA Networks Institute (2014-2016), a short-term scholar at MIT (2017), and a PostDoc Researcher at the KIOS Research Center of Excellence (2017-2019) before departing for an industrial position in 2019. During COVID-19, Algolysis’ team is assisting on the technical aspects of the Coronasurveys project including data processing, data visualisation, and system administration. This project has proven a very useful tool to properly map the magnitude of the pandemic around the developed countries. Together we hope to expand the impact of the project in local communities as well as in developing countries. Looking forward to take that ride! Thank you!
September 2020