In my travels for education as well as cultural exploration, I have been exposed to many different perspectives on life and all its wonders. My own fascination with the natural world has led me on a path that included field research in the Galapagos Islands, Mozambique, and the beautiful Pacific Northwest of the United States. I am currently building my scientific tool set by pursuing a Master of Marine Science degree from Nova Southeastern University. The Swain Evolution of Symbiosis Lab at NSU has given me an opportunity to study one of the most critical components of our marine world, coral reefs. Coral reefs interest me because they are highly valuable ecosystems for not only marine life, but also for the 500 million people around the world who depend on them as their source of food, income, and protection.
It is my goal to integrate concepts from systems biology, ecology, conservation, and economics to develop scientific inquiry that is characterized by forward-thinking and resilient management practices. It is my belief that humanity can actively pursue a balanced and progressive society while preserving the natural world we so dearly depend on. This project is a major step towards my goals, and I hope to provide novel insights that can contribute to the scientific community.
May 2021