University of Maine
MS Candidate of Wildlife Ecology at the University of Maine
Hi! My name is Anna. I am a graduate student at the University of Maine working on my Master's degree. My thesis project focuses on bird response to young forest habitat management on private properties in Wisconsin, and how best to involve landowners in conservation and wildlife monitoring efforts. I have a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Management and Applied Ecology and Environmental Science from Michigan Technological University. I have been interested in birds since childhood and have experience working on bird and habitat research in Illinois, Hawaii, California, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin.
In spring and summer of 2016, I started field work for my thesis by conducting bird and habitat surveys and interviewing landowners. I am excited to have the opportunity to conduct research with real world application to bird conservation, habitat management, and citizen science project creation. My favorite part about my research is sharing it with others! I can't help but smile when I have the opportunity to teach others about what I do and the natural world.
December 2016