I am currently studying an MRes in Endangered Species Recovery and Conservation at Nottingham Trent University and an Ecologist at FPCR Ltd.
I am passionate about conservation and the environment, having worked for various environmental NGO's over the last decade. I have also been an active member of Nottinghamshire Bat Group since joining and I am now Chair of the Group.
I have five years of field experience with bats including the use of harp traps; mist nets; radio tagging; radio tracking; and acoustic surveys. As an Ecologist over the last four years I have experience of internal and external surveys for bats and am a competent bat worker. I lead on training activities for others through my various roles.
The reason for wanting to undertake this study was to better understand the implications of a process routinely used by people to exclude bats for which little published information exists. Even in the UK, roost exclusions are performed as part of derogation licenses, which assume bats to be able to find alternative roosts. This is therefore thought to have little effect on the favourable conservation status of the species.
I have always wanted to pursue research and the opportunity to investigate a topic which could have implications on industry standards was one not to turn down. I wish to better understand the process and contribute to the data available. Ever since my first bat survey, I have become very fascinated with them, despite making up a quarter of a mammal species there are still so many questions to answer about bats!
March 2018