Amy Grunden
2322 Plant Sciences Building, 840 Oval Drive, Campus Box 7825, Raleigh, NC, 27606
North Carolina State University
William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Assistant Director of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service
My research focus is the physiology and biotechnological application of beneficial microorganisms for crop improvement, carbon capture and soil health and sustainable agriculture. My lab group has developed the use of microbes and microbial enzymes for crop improvement, biofuel production, next-generation fertilizer production, and bio-decontamination. I am currently leading the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) funded Collaborative Crop Resilience Program which is focused on harnessing plant microbiomes to enhance crop resilience. I am also an investigator on the NNF-funded Biocatalyst Interactions with Gases (BIG) Collaboration led by Dr. Sonja Salmon which is focused on developing scalable immobilized enzyme systems for carbon capture and nitrogen fixation.
October 2023