Bristol Zoological Society
I am Director of Conservation at the Bristol Zoological Society. Prior to this I was BZS’ Head of Research for seven years. Before coming to Bristol, I worked as part of the primatological research group at Cologne Zoo, Germany, and spent two years in Madagascar building a field station and heading a lemur research and conservation programme for a French NGO. I gained my PhD in Zoology from the University of Cologne in 2003 and have been a Visiting Professor at the University of the West of England since 2013. I am the Vice Chair for Madagascar, and Red List Authority Coordinator, of the IUCN Primate Specialist Group. I am also Vice President of the Association Européenne pour l’Etude et la Conservation des Lémuriens, a consortium of European zoos dedicated to lemur conservation. My recent research has focused on how different Critically Endangered primates are coping with habitat degradation and fragmentation with regard to their behaviour patterns, food intake, population density, and parasite burden.
October 2016