University of Delaware
Dr Deepak Nanjappa
I started my research career as a plant biotechnology masters student at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, where I undertook research related to plant transformation to test the feasibility of plant based vaccine. After, I worked at a private organization involved in agriculture seed business. As a junior scientist, I was involved primarily in “Development of insect resistant Bt. Cotton”. I later moved to Italy to pursue my doctoral degree in Life and Biomolecular Sciences from Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, a marine research institute. Here, as doctoral student my efforts were directed towards identification of genes that are involved in seasonal adaptation and biomass yield of microalgae. After PhD, I worked again in a private research organisation developing strategies for genetic modification of algal strains to improve productivity and stability of algae in pond system for biofuel production. Currently, I am employed at University of Delaware as Postdoctoral Researcher where I am developing protocols for the genetic modification of raphidophyte algae to understand the mechanisms of HABs.
December 2016
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