Ed Pettitt received his Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology from Cornell University and is currently completing graduate work in Healthcare Management and Global Health at The University of Texas School of Public Health. Mr. Pettitt works as a Senior Project Coordinator for the Baylor College of Medicine International Pediatric AIDS Initiative at Texas Children's Hospital (BIPAI) and Collaborative African Genomics Network, where advises on best practices in adolescent medicine and healthcare transition and is helping to launch Africa's first collaborative pediatric genomics initaitive in Botswana and Uganda. Mr. Pettitt has served as an HIV/AIDS technical expert for WHO, UNICEF, USAID, and FHI 360, and is co-founder of the Houston Global Health Collaborative. Mr. Pettitt has also been recognized as an Albert Schweitzer Fellow for Life and a Rotary International Paul Harris Fellow.
January 2014