GrrlScientist is the pseudonym of an evolutionary ecologist and ornithologist who writes about evolution, ecology and behaviour, especially in birds. After earning a degree in microbiology (thesis focus: virology) and working at the
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, she earned her PhD in zoology from the
University of Washington in Seattle, where she studied testosterone and behaviour in white-crowned sparrows. She then was a Chapman Postdoctoral Fellow at the
American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where she studied the phylogeography, speciation and distribution of lories and other parrots throughout the South Pacific Islands. A discarded scientist, she returned to her roots: writing. She wrote her eponymous science blog for The Guardian Online for longer than six years, and also wrote for Science, Nature, and ScienceBlogs, and writes podcasts for
BirdNote Radio. She currently writes for
Forbes and for the non-profit Think Tank,
The Evolution Institute, and curates her work on
Medium. She is very active on twitter @
grrlscientist and maintains a
TinyLetter to share her writing.
April 2016