I am an engineer in biotechnology by training and now I am a PhD Student in Biological and Medical Engeneering.
My first steps in research were in the laboratory of physiology and biotechnology at the University of Santiago de Chile, working with Antarctic plants, then I started my way with polymerases from Antarctic samples at the Fundacion Biociencia. I have been a professor in bioreactor design for chemical engineering and biotechnology students. I collaborated in the formulation of molecular kits for pathogen detection in food (NPlex). I am currently working in the Biophysics, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics Laboratory (PB3) at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. In my first years we worked together with ReClone for the production of open source polymerases during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, now I am working on PET-like plastic degrading proteins to optimize their stability and efficiency.
October 2023