After nearly dying on his first trip to Nepal from a lack of access to health care following a severe allergic reaction, Mark was afforded a rare glimpse of empathy with the millions of Nepalis denied care in their own country. That served as a critical incident for him, and led him to commit to a life of building health systems alongside Nepal’s poorest through Nyaya Health. Prior to Nyaya Health, Mark founded NepalNUTrition to treat malnourished children and advised the creation of two blended value businesses in the United States — Nut-rients and 5 Pound Apparel – that fund nutrition programs in Nepal. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Colorado at Boulder, attended Harvard’s Global Health Effectiveness Program, and is a former Fulbright Scholar to Nepal. Mark is a Cordes Fellow, Bluhm/Helfand Social Innovation Fellow, and has been published in the Global Post, Change.org, the Nepali Times, and Kathmandu Post.
February 2013