Nathaniel Swigger and Kelly Cahill Roberts

Nathaniel Swigger and Kelly Cahill Roberts


Haven't created any projects yet! 

Haven't backed any projects yet! 

Published on Jul 08, 2015

Google hangout

Check out our discussion from Google hangout. Chris Robinson, assistant professor of psychology at Ohio State, asks us about our program.

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Published on Jun 22, 2015

Student program participants have healthier dating relationships than comparison groups!

Are the students that we've reached developing healthier relationship habits? Six months after the completion of our program we surveyed students who had participated as well as a group of students...

Group 6 Copy 46
Published on Jun 09, 2015

Program Evaluation

After students participated in our program, we asked them what they thought of it! Here are the results of their opinions on the program overall!

Group 6 Copy 52
Published on May 20, 2015

The Program

In this video you get to meet Jennifer Morris, Co-Creator and School Presenter, as she shares more information and details about our program!

Group 6 Copy 45
Published on May 21, 2015

Assessing the Effectiveness of Our Program

At this point we can share some of the preliminary results from our violence prevention efforts. After administering our program to a group of 14- and 15-year-old freshmen in the fall semester of 2...

Group 6 Copy 54
Published on May 20, 2015

The Problem

Just how widespread is the problem of teen dating violence? We asked 125 high school freshmen in our target school about their experiences with dating and dating violence. Almost 70...

Group 6 Copy 74
Published on Aug 18, 2014

How bad is it?

So how well do adults understand sexual and relationship violence? Here is some data from a recent survey Nathanielconducted using a nationwide adult sample. Respondents were asked whether theyagre...

Group 6 Copy 41
Published on Aug 18, 2014

Fun with pilots

We are so excited to take our first crack at fundraising through! This past spring we had our firstopportunity to implement Expect Respectat Licking Heights High and ...

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