Perth, Australia
Curtin University
My research focuses on carbonate production, transport and removal in inshore coastal waters. Corals are typically the major reef carbonate producer, hence understanding how corals with respond to both global climate change as well as chronic declines in water quality is critical in determining long-term reef growth and stability. I have worked on coral reefs in Australia, Asia and Africa, largely focusing on inshore turbid zone reefs, and have written a review on the occurrence, composition and growth of inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. More recently, I spent a couple of years in Singapore investigating the impact of ship-wake induced sediment resuspension on near-shore coral reefs which involved an assessment of spatial and temporal variations in water quality in relation to changing coral physiology and growth. I am excited about working on the inshore reefs in Sawarak that have yet to be studied. As well as providing new research findings, the project will feed directly into local management plans that aim to protect and promote these highly diverse reef systems.
November 2016
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