Queen Mary University of London
PhD Student
Before and during my undergraduate studies, I was wandering across the tropical rainforests all around Indonesia trying to understand why small islands can be so diverse in species and why you only find certain species in certain places. This will not be possible if these species are gone before I am fully able to understand them. This is the reason I decided to build my career around conservation biology, especially of my native animal species.
Other than that, I love exploring new techniques and methods to understand natural phenomena, detecting patterns and trying to understand the processes! I love collecting and analysing loads of data, which Indonesia is a bit lacking, leading me to co-build The Biodiversity Theses Database with my colleagues. Museum specimens is another untapped resource for biodiversity data that I am currently working with. One of the few things I am grateful of from our weird history is the availability of well-curated information on the past biodiversity, at least the ones that interested the 19th century naturalists.
December 2020