I´m associate professor at the National University of Costa Rica (UNA) and research associate at the University of Costa Rica (UCR). Also, I´m the Director and Editor of the Tropical Journal of Environmental Sciences, and member of the CITES national Scientific Committee. My passion and expertise revolves around forestry, socioeconomics, and sustainability. I´m a forest engineer with a Master and Doctorate from the University of Minnesota, the latter in management of natural resources and economics. Have actively participated in the planning and execution of numerous projects, many of them published in international scientific journals and presented at national and international events in the Americas, Africa y Europe. Among key recognitions outstands the 2007 Best Doctoral Dissertation Award of the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management, and most recently, recipient of the 2014 MIT´s Climate CoLab award on Adaptation to Climate Change.
March 2016