Robbie has worked in the life sciences in Indianapolis for over ten years. He completed his Master's degree in Medical Neurobiology research in a stem cell research laboratory at Indiana University School of Medicine. After graduation, he became a lab manager and continued to be involved in his passions- stem cell research, spinal cord injury, and advocating for more uses of stem cells in clinical medicine.
In 2008, Robbie became a Scientific Research Consultant for Indiana University School of Medicine, Zintro.com, and Guru.com while working on his MBA from Indiana University Kelley School of Business, majoring in management in the life sciences. Completing his MBA in June 2011, Robbie finds himself in search of more permanent employment in scientific affairs or related in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology field.
Robbie is a published author of his scientific manuscripts and has co-authored two chapters in biomedical reference books.
For more information, see Robbie's website:
November 2012