University of Bristol
PhD candidate
Tammy Gladwin is a PhD student in Anthropology at the University of Bristol. She received a BA in English at Maryville University in St Louis, Missouri and her MA in English at National University, California. She also has an MA in Teaching from Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa.
Tammy has a passion for stories, especially in the seemingly universal need for humans to tell them. For her MA in English, Tammy focused on folk and fairy tales and the many similarities and differences in how they are told in different places and different time periods. This may be a major reason why she was so attracted to Anthropology as a profession.
“In our attempts to understand the bipedal story-telling animal that we are, we must pay closer attention to the stories that we tell.” -Gregory Reck (1983). ‘Narrative Anthropology’ in Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly
Tammy has followed a fairly unconventional path in her academic career. After graduating from High School, she went into the United States Army for four years before going to University. She was interested in studying biology, physics, philosophy and even theology before she found her calling in English and Anthropology. Her many and varied interests and experiences all pointed her towards a passion for understanding the attitudes and beliefs that influence human action and, indeed, storytelling.
December 2019