EDUCATION B.S./M.Sc. 1982, Genetics & Cytology, Tartu University, Estonia; Ph.D. 1999, Molecular Genetics, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. BIOGRAPHY Over 20 years of research experience in the areas of mammalian cytogenetics and genomics with special focus on the genomics of mammalian sex chromosomes, and the genomics of reproduction. Received funding from federal (USDA) and private (Morris Animal Foundation, American Quarter Horse Association, Alpaca Research Foundation) agencies. Publications: 109 research papers and 12 book chapters. Some published in high impact journals such as Science, PNAS, Cell, Genome Research, PLoS Genetics. RESEARCH INTERESTS Comparative genomics and molecular cytogenetics; Organization, function and evolution of sex chromosomes; Genomics of sexual development and reproduction; Equine genomics - genomics of genetic diseases and congenital disorders; Alpaca and camelid genomics.