I was born and raised in the mountains of Colorado, and I am currently a third year student pursuing a BS degree in Biology for Information Systems at Dakota State University. To satisfy my fascination with microbial life, I pursued my scientific interests from a very young age. I actually read textbooks for enjoyment and I spent my first real paycheck on a microscope. My musical abilities also seemed to blossom right alongside my investigative interests and pursuits; I have since performed with a number of concert symphonies and bands playing the oboe, flute, harp, and english horn. I have also amassed three years of computer programming experience in multiple languages since coming to DSU. I feel like my unique combination of ingrained curiosity and education make make me uniquely prepared to tackle this exciting research project. It is my hope that the experience and positive results from this project will help me achieve my ultimate goal of undertaking graduate studies in marine biology or microbiology.
September 2016