Liberal Arts College


The Projects

Browse the participating projects

The Joshua Tree Genome Project

Joshua trees are perhaps the strangest plants in the world. Their long, spindly branches form twisted candelabras...

How can we create culturally competent workplaces for Muslim healthcare providers?

Muslim healthcare providers constitute a growing, diverse and underrepresented population in the U.S. Culturally...

What if we could stop the brain from making risky decisions?

Life frequently tempts us with alluring options that turn out to be bad decisions. If risky decision-making...

VR for Virtually Everybody: Help us teach humanists and artists how to make virtual reality experiences

ViRVE is a proof-of-concept endeavor to model a modular, cheap, accessible VR creation lab that anyone can...

What is True Recovery from Schizophrenia? Learning from Patients to Improve Outcomes Research

We study treatment outcomes at Gould Farm, a residential program for people with mental illness, and have...

Are American Women of Childbearing Age Changing Their Behaviors in Response to the Zika Virus Outbreak?

The Zika virus outbreak is an international public health emergency, and is linked to microcephaly and...

More About This Challenge

The sciency details

Challenge Amount:
Submission Deadline:
Jan 01, 2016
Campaign Launch:
Mar 01, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

How do challenge grants work?

When will the grant be awarded?

On March 31st at 5PM PT, the prizes will be awarded according to the posted schedule.

Can I still submit a project?

We are no longer accepting projects for this grant, however we will be launching many more challenge grant opportunities. Sign up for our mailing list for up-to-date community news.

Please Note:

If we see suspicious acitivity of researchers or backers potentially cheating during the challenge, the project will be completely disqualified from winning the grant.

Challenge Aims

A pilot partnership with for researchers at 30 liberal arts colleges.

Project Eligilibity

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Spread the word about the science waiting to happen.