About This Project
The goal of this project is to determine if there is a correlation between locations of Doppler Microwave radar towers and locations of diseased & dying wildlife in Florida waterways. I have found an abundance of dead fish and algal blooms near radar towers - this study will help determine if there is a link.Ask the Scientists
Join The DiscussionWhat is the context of this research?
Recent studies are showing negative effects of microwave radiation on biology. This includes cell phones and WiFi. I began my research "plotting dead fish", algae blooms and sinkholes in Google Earth that open up during storms around the country and noticed they appeared to be occurring more often around Doppler weather, FAA and military radar towers. As a chemical engineer, this was a sign to me that the radars may be having a negative effect on their surroundings.
What is the significance of this project?
Fish Kills and Algae Blooms are becoming more widespread across the country. Wildlife is suffering. Certain human diseases, such as Autism and other oxidative stress related diseases (70 or more) are increasing. Recent studies are indicating that microwave radiation may induce oxidative stress in biology, even at relatively low power levels. This study will look at high powered microwave Doppler weather, FAA and military radars to determine if there is a correlation with locations of diseased wildlife in Florida waterways in high radiation areas. If proven, this would have a major impact on everyone.
What are the goals of the project?
I have already collected data for the past year, wrote a Python program and have preliminary results. The typical cost for a professional researcher and overhead for this might be $250,000 for a year. I am asking for $7,500 to cover my final month's overhead and salary cost to:
1. Finalize my dataset for two years of Florida Fish Kills from the Florida database @ http://research.myfwc.com/fishkill/
2. Finalize my dataset for Doppler radar tower locations researching government documents. You can get a current Google Earth Copy here: https://productforums.google.com/forum/embed/#!top...
3. Finalize my random tower location dataset
4. Finalize my software to compute p-Value statistics over 10,000 iterations
5. A published, professional research paper showing the results
I would like to cover the costs of doing the final statistical analysis over the next month and publishing the data to a journal. I have spent two years researching on my own personal time without asking for any funding. If my results are correct it is very important for other researchers and the public to understand the methodology and results
Meet the Team
Team Bio
After 28 years in the chemical engineering consulting field, I decided to do some research. I grew up on a farm in Maine and I have always loved nature and the oceans. I am trained to solve problems in my profession and not just do research so I decided to look at why marine life was suffering in waterways and along our coastlines. I began with weather research two years ago looking at jet streams and their link to algae blooms and hypoxia(lack of oxygen) killing fish.That naturally took me to Pulsed Microwave Weather Radars. After plotting 6 months of dead fish due to hypoxia in Google Earth I noticed they seemed to appear more often around high-powered Doppler microwave radar towers. What I think I have discovered, if true, is shocking (at least to me). My interests outside the research are my family, tennis and coaching kids sports.
Stewart D Simonson
I am a career chemical engineer (28 years). I am married with a wife and two young boys. I have always had an interest in physics and nature. . I have been doing weather and nature related research for two years on my own time.
Lab Notes
Nothing posted yet.
Additional Information
The map shows the Indian River Lagoon in Florida and Locations of dead fish ((F) icons), dead manatees(blue), dead dolphins(yellow) and dead pelicans(red) in an "unusual mortality event". You will notice they are clustered in the same area as the high powered microwave doppler radars. Radar names/types are listed and shown with a round radar icon (green or red). A few of the radar icons actually have two or three radars at that location.
Project Backers
- 2Backers
- 1%Funded
- $75Total Donations
- $37.50Average Donation