Assessment of grantors-grantees relationship and its impact on funding for research

Backed by Gerard and Wythe Marschall
Raised of $3,600 Goal
Ended on 12/18/23
Campaign Ended
  • $106
  • 3%
  • Finished
    on 12/18/23

About This Project

Researchers are currently facing difficulty in getting funding which is pillar to the success of research and development projects globally. To be able to make a projection on how available funding will be for future research necessitate an assessment of the current bond that exist between grantors and grantees. Grantors sacrifice funds to enable grantees attain their research goals either at the inception, implementation or expansion stages of research.

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What is the context of this research?

Grant are a big booster to research but there is a gradual challenge faced in acquiring grants either for research or development projects. The bond that exist between funders and researchers can either help to promote or hinder funding for future research. Research or development projects always expressed ambition to bring innovation in science and most recently, add to the realization of one or more Sustainable development goals. This demands a research practice that clearly demonstrate the honesty of grantees. Also, the transparency in grantors funding decisions can grealtly impact research and development projects across the globe. Organizations such as the Science for Progress Initiative and J-PAL are working to ensure this.

What is the significance of this project?

Considering how important grants are for the continuity of research, the emerging difficulty researchers are experiencing in acquiring funds as observed in NIH Data book demands an assessment of the grantors-grantees bond. We will look at grantors and grantees actions that can impact research by applying the principle of MetaScience which use quantification and experimentation to diagnose problems in research practice and improve efficiency. We will examine transparency of grantees in execution, and grantors in distribution. If sponsored projects have a sustainability plan, and researchers can demonstrate how research results will be turned into measurable actions for a lasting impact, this can encourage grantors to do more.

What are the goals of the project?

Our goal is to investigate what in needed to increase funding for research and development projects by analyzing the bond between researchers (grantees), and funders (grantors).

We will carry a systematic review and meta-analysis of projects that meets inclusion criteria to bring out the proportion of research that have actually translated their results to action to create impact, and also funded development projects that has a clear sustainability plan for lasting impact to make the society better.

We will examine whether the grantees acknowledge their grantors or not after award of grants, and also criteria that influenced grantors bias which can hinder research.


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We are to do this systematic review and meta-analysis using the lowest time frame which is 6 months. This project is not having any external funds from any source at the moment and therefore, our funding target plus experiment platform charges makes a total of $ 3600. This will enable us to carryout this project. We will use the funds to purchase necessary tools, accessed data, internet expenses and motivation for team member who will carry out the systematic review and meta-analysis. Our budget focuses only on the main research at this stage. We will source for funds in the next stage, to enable us publish the results in open access journal. This can be a stretch goal if we are successfully funded to do the analysis, or we will approach other funders who are focused on making sure research findings are accessible to everyone through publication in open access, and also presentation for advocacy.

Endorsed by

After reading through this project and its goals, I must acknowledge Bora and her team are the best fit for this. The results of their past works relating to research and how they make use of qualitative and quantitative methodologies are applauding. I am certain the outcome of this project will contribute to better inform research and development projects grantors and grantees as concerns funding for research. I am personally optimistic and looking forward to what the results will bring to the scientific table.

Project Timeline

We will do systematic review and meta-analysis of projects that meets inclusion criteria from January 2024 to June 2024. Our time-line will involve review of the question, tools selection, development of search strategy, locate studies, select studies that meets inclusion criteria, extract data, assess study quality, analyze and interpret results for dissemination via submission of report to donors and open access publication

Nov 03, 2023

Project Launched

Jan 22, 2024

Review and  define inclusion and exclusion criteria

Feb 19, 2024

Develop search strategy and locate studies

Mar 04, 2024

Select studies and extract data

May 20, 2024

Assess study quality and analysis

Meet the Team

Samba Melvis
Samba Melvis
Bsc, MPH, PhDc


Emerging Researcher (PhDc in Public Health) and Social Reformer, University of Buea - Cameroon; CGI U Alumna under Howard University
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Team Bio

Our team under the direction of Professor Yenshu Emmanuel is made up of postgraduate students who are social scientist and public health expert skilled to carryout research by making use of systematic review and meta-analysis in addition to other methods. We all have hands on research and have published some findings in open journals.

Samba Melvis

Samba Melvis Bora is a Public Health Expert and Social Reformer with great interest in multi-disciplinary activities that add value to the society and its inhabitants. She majoured in high school in Physics, Chemistry and Biology and now with a Master’s degree in Public Health and a strong background in Sociology, Anthropology, Medical Laboratory and Political Sciences, she is focused on making use of all the skills acquired in these fields to address current issues through service to humanity. Her passion is to ensure ideas and research findings are not only presented for knowledge sharing but used to take measurable actions that will contributes to ensure sustainable maximization of resources that add value to deserving populations within the Sustainable Development Goals framework. Looking forward everyday to do more

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Additional Information

We believe grantors- grantees bond assessment can enable us to have a good knowledge on how the relationship between grantors and grantees can be mutually beneficial. The use of samples of projects under certain grants will help in the assessment of whether the grantees acknowledge their grantors or not after award of grants because we believe a "thank you' can boast moral of many humans as proven by psychology. How long does it take for a grantee to say thank you to grantor(s) as an initial step to acknowledging their sacrifice. This is because grantors always want to know how the money they sacrifice will be spend.

Project Backers

  • 3Backers
  • 3%Funded
  • $106Total Donations
  • $35.33Average Donation
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