The Great Pacific garbage patch

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About This Project

We will be examining the great Pacific garbage patch and its main contributor, the fishing industry. The fishing industry contributes up to 20%, about 705,000 tons, of pollutants to the patch. Our study is designed to assess what the main cause of pollution from fishing boats are: accidental, non eco friendly equipment, or lack of knowledge.

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What is the context of this research?

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine debris is litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. The amount of debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is caused by non-biodegradable pollutants being dumped in the ocean, a majority of which are fishing nets. The state of our oceans is worsening and since there is no way to productively clean the plastics out of our oceans we need to start focusing on preventative measures. We were inspired by a study "Out of sight but not out of mind: Harmful effects of derelict traps in selected U.S. coastal waters" in which researchers examined the significance of using biodegradable netting.

What is the significance of this project?

Ghost fishing contributes to increased mortalities in a wide variety of marine organisms and is especially damaging to endangered and protected marine species, such as marine mammal and sea turtle populations. This study examines the question; will ghost fishing decline if we equip fishing boats with biodegradable netting and educate fishermen/women on the importance of this problem along with preventative measures? We hypothesize that if we educate fishermen/women on how to reduce the amount of pollutants they are contributing to on an average fishing boat along with the detrimental affects of doing so, plus equipping them with correct equipment, the amount of harmful gear being dumped in the ocean will decline. "Impact of Ghost Fishing."

What are the goals of the project?

In order to find out why so much of ocean pollutants are caused by fisheries, we will be conducting a study to see if education and use of biodegradable products will help to reduce the amount of debris in the ocean. We will conduct a study of 10 different fishing boats off the coast of Oregon. We will implementing educational classes for the crew of every boat to inform them how to reduce waste output along with the harm that pollution into the water can cause, then these same boats will be equip with biodegradable equipment including nets. In order to keep the study unbiased we will not be informing the men of the ship the extent of our research. We will do this to examine if these methods reduce waste output of the fisherman.


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On average a 100x20 foot commercial fishing net will cost around $500. A small fishing boat has at least 2 nets, with larger ones having many more. Biodegradable nets tend to cost more. We estimate about $700 for a new biodegradable commercial fishing net. In exchange for participating in our study we will pay for $400 of the $700 required for a new biodegradable net. We will also be equipping each boat with a camera system.

Project Timeline

The first part of our study will be examining 10 ships over a month. We will take inventory of the entire ship before they leave and compare it to when they come back. We will do the same thing a month later but will provide biodegradable equipment plus an educational class on the harmful effects of pollutants and how to reduce waste output on a ship. This study will take a total of two months.

Jun 07, 2018

Travel to Astoria, Newport and Florence; major fishing ports in Oregon. 

Jul 07, 2018

Assess the ships that have returned to port after a month 

Jul 10, 2018

Provide new nets and educational classes to the ships. 

Jul 14, 2018

Send ships back out. 

Aug 14, 2018

Assess ships that have returned to port after a month 

Meet the Team

Kelsey Jensen
Kelsey Jensen


University of Oregon
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Carlin Otterstedt
Carlin Otterstedt


University of Oregon
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John Queant
John Queant


University of Oregon
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Team Bio

We decided to conduct a study on the great pacific garbage patch because it is an increasing problem in our oceans, with no real fix. We thought that the best way to move forward would be to conduct a study that examines preventative measures verse relying solely on trying to fix the problem after its a problem.

Kelsey Jensen

I am a senior Biology major at the University of Oregon, doing a project for my Marine Biology class.

Carlin Otterstedt

Senior at the University of Oregon; Environmental Science major with a Biology minor

John Queant

Senior at the University of Oregon. Biology major with a minor in Chemistry

Additional Information

We will begin our study by taking inventory of every boat before they start their month long voyage. We will also be setting up a camera system to examine each of the 10 boats over a month. After this initial period we will measure the output of each boat. After their month long voyage we will then take inventory of everything on each of the boats again. We will also equip every boat with two biodegradable nets along with educational classes and examine them over another month. We will then compare the output from the first voyage to that of the second to examine whether or not the use of biodegradable equipment along with educational classes reduces the amount of waste each of the 10 boats emits. To eliminate biases we will not be informing the crew of the ships the extent of our research. This way we can measure if they're actually reducing their output because they are more conscious of the importance of reducing waste verse the fact that they are part of a study.

References: "Abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded gillnets and trammel nets" "A review of ghost fishing: scientific approaches to evaluation and solutions" "Ghost fishing in European waters: Impacts and management responses"

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