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Creation of a Golden Gate/MoClo level 1 compatible vector based off Sebastian Cocioba's IP free plasmid backbone

Backed by Scott Pownall
BioPunk Society
San Francisco, California
Raised of $7,000 Goal
Ended on 6/11/24
Campaign Ended
  • $25
  • 1%
  • Finished
    on 6/11/24

About This Project

The field of synthetic biology has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, enabling researchers to engineer biological systems for diverse applications. However, accessibility is often limited, particularly in resource-constrained settings. This proposal aims to develop an open-source, intellectual property (IP) free golden gate cloning vector that can be widely adopted and adapted by the scientific community, fostering accessibility and innovation in synthetic biology.

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What is the context of this research?

Golden gate cloning is a powerful molecular cloning technique that allows for the efficient assembly of multiple DNA fragments in a predefined order. It has become a cornerstone in synthetic biology due to its modularity, scalability, and high efficiency. However, many commercially available golden gate cloning vectors are proprietary and subject to licensing restrictions, limiting their widespread adoption and hindering open innovation.

MoClo (Modular Cloning) is a scheme where certain parts are flanked with overhangs so you can, in the case of level 1, have a one pot cloning of an arbitrary promoter, CDS, terminator, and other localization and control mechanisms

What is the significance of this project?

By developing an IP-free golden gate cloning vector, compatible with MoClo level 1 we aim to democratize access to this essential tool, empowering researchers, educators, and enthusiasts worldwide to explore and contribute to the field of synthetic biology. This open-source approach aligns with the principles of frugal science, providing an accessible and cost-effective solution that can be readily adopted and adapted by a diverse community of practitioners.

What are the goals of the project?

We have three main goals first to create the vector, deposit to addgene, and have it accessible for all:

We will design a modular and versatile golden gate cloning vector with standardized overhangs compatible with the Modular Cloning standard (MoClo) and widely used Type IIS restriction enzymes. After construction we will submit the comprehensive documentation, including vector maps, sequences, and vector to addgene. Afterwards we hope to have community labs, inventors, and independent scientists use the vector in their work by fostering collaborations with community labs, maker spaces, and independent researchers, encouraging them to adopt and utilize the vector in their projects.


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Reagents for construction includes the necessary restriction enzymes, ligases, PCR mixes and consumables for conversion, the oligos are needed for the insert to be added to allow golden gate cloning, ideally if there is money left over we would like to add a lacz selectable marker to the insert as well. Quality testing involves purchasing and using off the shelf donor vectors to ensure proper cloning, PCR mixes, a cell free kit for protein expression etc.

Endorsed by

This seems like a cool project, it’ll be one less barrier to commercializing on a budget.

Project Timeline

This timeline has been budgeted for incidentals, from start to finish we anticipate the process taking 1-3 month from funding. We will have to buy and wait for reagents to come in, start the conversion process, order QA reagents (more info in budget description) and wait for them, then make sure it works for a wide array of plasmids, then prepare it to be sent to addgene, then send it to addgene

May 12, 2024

Project Launched

May 27, 2024

Order reagents for creation of the vector

Jun 10, 2024

Start lab work for conversion of the vector

Jun 10, 2024

Order QA plasmids and reagents

Jun 28, 2024

Finish lab work for 1st vector

Meet the Team

Christian Tate
Christian Tate


Counter Culture Labs, BioPunk Society
View Profile

Christian Tate

Hi I'm Christian, former president of Counter Culture Labs a micro/synthetic biology community lab in Oakland, CA and president and co-founder of BioPunk Society in San Francisco CA.

I've dabbled in gene therapy, and made a few pathways for protein synthesis as well as being a general maker. I believe we are heading into another great techno-revolution. So my goals are to democratize and educate people about the field of synthetic biology, and biochemistry.

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Additional Information

Project Backers

  • 1Backers
  • 1%Funded
  • $25Total Donations
  • $25.00Average Donation
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