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- Vincent WarmerdamI would be interested in some of the results of this work and I certainly would not mind contributing. It seems however that I cannot add to the funding now as I just joined the platform. Is there a way for me to keep updated and/or be able to view the lab notes?Oct 02, 20170
- Jordan PollackBackerMy first term paper in gradschool was called "Project HAC: Humor and Computers." Using a case-based parser and cheap semantic network (the Semitic Netquirk!) it analyzed puns. I didn't publish, but many people have! Use some of this money to do the background research, for example: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/search?q=humor+computersMay 01, 20120
- Lydia ChiltonResearcher@cfournie - Yes! I'm going to make everything public. The HITs (you sound like you know what you're talking about!), the raw data, and the framework for running a multi-step Turk process. Stay tuned!Apr 27, 20121
- Perry ZhengI like this idea!!! Great application of natural language processing!Apr 21, 20121
- Chris FournierBackerAs part of your results, will you be sharing the hits (i.e., data) collected by the Turkers? I would love to be able to play with such data, as would many others I'm sure.Apr 15, 20120