I am a little mouse and I want to live longer!

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About This Project

"I am a little mouse. We, mice, typically have short life full of dangers and struggles. But I want to make a difference! I want to live long and healthy. I want to do something big in my life, I want to make YOU live longer and healthier too!"

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What is the context of this research?

Every life is precious. We will test a combination of drugs shown to extend healthy lifespan in animals. The largest life extension in mice so far resulted from a similar spirit, there one mouse lived very close to 5 years. Genius or foolish, we shall see, in any case it will be interesting...

The results will help in the search for life prolonging treatments for both animals and humans. This project will be the first step toward the creation a research facility for automated testing of lifespan interventions.

What is the significance of this project?

You never know for sure whether the drugs you take shorten your lifespan or make you live longer and healthier until lifespan experiments with them are conducted. Whole pharmaceutical industry is focused on curing specific diseases, so it rarely tests long-term effects of the drugs it produces.

We want to change this! We strongly believe that extended healthy lifespan must be one of the core goals of Medicine and Healthcare. To make it happen new ways of curing ageing (as ageing-related diseases and feebleness are the main causes of death in the world) should be discovered and tested.

This experiment is very special. We do something not pedestrian: we mix things that seem to robustly extend healthy lifespan.

Whether treated animals will live healthier and longer is not obvious. In similar experiments (hardly done in mammals), combinations is sometimes synergetic and sometimes detrimental. This is an attempt, a pilot experiment in this field to see if other approaches than one-additional-drug-at-a-time can make sense. The hope is that those drugs are sufficiently robust and different in their life extending effects to mostly work in synergy. But in the field of long term health ignorance prevails, so only a test can tell us more.

With this campaign we open new way how ageing research can be funded and how citizens can directly help scientists to work more on finding ways to extend healthy lifespan, a thing that is important for everyone.

What are the goals of the project?

There are *right now* in the lab a sufficient number of aged mice (~20 month) of C57Bl6 strain to start a lifespan test. We have C57BL6 males as well as females aged ~20 months. Mice will be splitted into 2 test (females and males) and 2 control groups (24 animals each). The test will be blinded.

The food of the treated mice will contain:

* an α-adrenergetic receptor blocker (metoprolol). Potential action: avoids too fast heart beats

* an mTOR inhibitor (everolimus; similar action as rapamycin). Potential action: puts cells in an active and resistance mode.

* metformin. Potential action: normalises blood and IGF-1 levels at low levels. Also, potential similarities with everolimus.

* simvastatin and ramipril: the effect of simvastatin on mouse lifespan was first found to be below statistical evidence, but the synergy with ramipril, first found on drosophila, lead to a statistical increase of lifespan in mice. Simvastatin decreases the amount of LDL cholesterol (considered as 'bad' by some) in the blood. Ramiprill, an ACE inhibitor, avoids hypertension.

* aspirin. As the small doses uses, it is believed to have reduced side effects while improving blood flow and therefore reduce cardiovascular risks, and potentially also preventing incidence of some cancers.

Crowdfunding is needed to buy these drugs and food for animals and to make conditions of the experiments even better (that will make results more reliable).

If we wait any longer the mice will be in the "strong dying phase" of their life and it will make the experiment useless. So we cannot wait for academic money, we have used out pocket money to start the experiment and count on the help of the Crowd to continue.

Also, additional money would help prepare other experiments of that type.

Last but not least, we are happy to share such exciting moments but also the surprising notion that long term health is virtually "abandonned" by current biomedical and health care systems and that such experiments are of crucial importance for healthy populations.


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How much are those 100 mice worth?

B6 mice cost about $5, then keeping them to 20 months at $0.20/day = $120 each, so $125 each x 100 = $12,500 in mouse value.

We already have mice. That comes for free, once the crowdfunding succeeds. So $5000 in funding activates $12,500 in mice, plus the ongoing care for the remainder of the experiment, etc.

The mice are 20-21 month old. The lifespan of B6 is typically 25-26 months The lifespan of our B6 subline is typically 30-36 months

We have 49 males 78 females (if cage # 12 is counted for which the date of birth is not clear).

We can make 2 groups in males and 2 or 3 in females. We can make 2 groups with different drug mix.

In the case when the drug is given with food, the food will have to standardize. We have a standard feed. Of the additional supplements we use, usually in the winter, the grated pumpkin. But in this case we can exclude it from the diet of experimental mice.

We calculated the actual food consumption in mice. Food consumption was 0.1 g / g body weight / day. The average mouse body weight = 25 g. Consequently = 2.5 g / mouse / day, or = 75 g / mouse / month.

Approximately 30-40% of food is lost - mice gnawing it. Therefore, the above calculated amount of food intake should be increased by at least 30%, and is 100 g / mouse / month. If all 24 mice in Exp 1 survive 16 months (which is impossible), we need 38 kg of food. Therefore, 30 kg of diet for experiment 1 is enough.

Meet the Team

Edouard Debonneuil
Edouard Debonneuil
Anton Kulaga
Anton Kulaga
Daniel Wuttke
Daniel Wuttke
Stuart Calimport
Stuart Calimport

Team Bio

The Team

You never know for sure whether the drugs you take shorten your lifespan or make you live longer and healthier until lifespan experiments with them are conducted. Whole pharmaceutical industry is focused on curing specific diseases, so it rarely tests long-term effects of the drugs it produces.

We want to change this! We are professional researches who dedicate their lifes to amelioration of the aging process and achieving healthy longevity. We strongly believe that extended healthy lifespan must be one of the core goals of Medicine and Healthcare. To make it happen new ways of curing ageing should be discovered and tested.

Our team leaders are:

Edouard Debonneuil, France, aging researcher affiliated with the European Healthy Life Extension Society (Heales) and International Longevity Alliance (ILA) working on applying molecular biology of aging to extend the healthy lifespan.

Prof. Iryna N. Pishel is the principal investigator, affiliated with the Institute of Gerontology of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kiev: http://denigma.de/immuno/

Dmitri W. Shytikov, PhD student. shytikov.dmitrij@gmail.com

Anton Kulaga

The Team

You never know for sure whether the drugs you take shorten your lifespan or make you live longer and healthier until lifespan experiments with them are conducted. Whole pharmaceutical industry is focused on curing specific diseases, so it rarely tests long-term effects of the drugs it produces.

We want to change this! We are professional researches who dedicate their lifes to amelioration of the aging process and achieving healthy longevity. We strongly believe that extended healthy lifespan must be one of the core goals of Medicine and Healthcare. To make it happen new ways of curing ageing should be discovered and tested.

Our team leaders are:

Edouard Debonneuil, France, aging researcher affiliated with the European Healthy Life Extension Society (Heales) and International Longevity Alliance (ILA) working on applying molecular biology of aging to extend the healthy lifespan.

Prof. Iryna N. Pishel is the principal investigator, affiliated with the Institute of Gerontology of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kiev: http://denigma.de/immuno/

Dmitri W. Shytikov, PhD student. shytikov.dmitrij@gmail.com

Daniel Wuttke

We are a team of professional researches dedicated to amelioration of the aging process and achieving healthy longevity. Our team leaders:


Edouard Debonneuil, France, aging researcher affiliated with the European Healthy Life Extension Society (Heales) and International Longevity Alliance (ILA) working on applying molecular biology of aging to extend the healthy lifespan.

Dmitri W. Shytikov, PhD student, the Institute of Gerontology, Kiev, Ukraine. shytikov.dmitrij@gmail.com

Prof. Iryna N. Pishel is the principal investigator, affiliated with the Institute of Gerontology of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kiev: http://denigma.de/immuno/


Who help to make it happen

Elena Obabkova, an activist for longevity research, affiliated with the International Longevity Alliance and the Ukrainian Transhumanist Association.

Scientific Advisory Board

Stephen Spindler

Lab Notes

Nothing posted yet.

Additional Information

Your participation in this project in any form will be valuable! Spread the word about it. The more interest in longevity research is generated, the more chances there will be to find effective and safe life extending interventions. It is not only the particular experiment that is important, with this crowd-funding campaign we open new ways and new opportunities for ageing research.

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