Modeling cognition through Representation

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About This Project

In this project we hypothesize a new cognitive modeling framework based on representations instead of computation. The idea consists of associations between concepts in mental frames and atomic functions between these frames.

Using this framework, we would be able to model different cognitive processes in the brain in a simplified manner. The models can be used in education, medicine, human-computer interface, etc.

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What is the context of this research?

The main inspiration to propose this project was investigating if we can provide a united and simplified framework for modeling cognition which is more adaptable to human language, ontology and brain imaging techniques. Thinking about cognitive processes, we would all agree that computation is actually change of representation of the mind state through firing neurons. So proposing a representational cognitive modeling framework would be more brain-plausible compared to computational methods that are inspired by the machines.

What is the significance of this project?

Comparing with computational modeling:

- By simplifying cognitive processes into two atomic follow up and decision making functions, complex computations of the brain can be explained using a united framework which was not practical using computational frameworks.

- In RCM, the information guiding the computation is inherent in the representation, and no prior knowledge of an algorithm is required to follow the computation in the cognitive process, which is more brain-plausible.

- The representations in the RCM better map with the imaging techniques such as EEG or fMRI. It is difficult to extract information regarding computation from the imaging techniques while the information is more clearly and easily mappable to representations of the mental states.

What are the goals of the project?

Our research hypotheses include:

  1. Semantic information is encoded in forms of representational associations between concepts

  2. Complex cognitive processes can be formulated in forms of atomic follow-up or decision-making functions between consecutive representational frames

And our research questions include:

  1. How are different associations between concepts in the brain encoded?

  2. How are atomic functions performed in terms of representation?

  3. Is the representational cognitive modeling framework brain-plausible?

By proposing a new ontological language for representation of the mind frames and investigating the atomic functions between them, we will be trying to simplify and unify the modeling of cognitive processes and compare them with existing computational modeling frameworks.


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The project initiates by a literature review on computational modeling frameworks, their applications and examples and ontological languages. Later on, the proposed modeling framework is formulated and some example cognitive processes are modeled and compared with the existing computational modeling frameworks. Finally, the results of analysis is submitted for publication.

Along the project, the management process verifies the steps and budget, handles the meetings, etc. Miscellaneous budget items including subscriptions such as overleaf, AWS, etc., are also considered for the project.

The project is part of a bigger project, focusing on developing AI-generated global human language, planned at Synaptosearch.

Project Timeline

The expected timeline for the project is about 4 months which consists of research, formulation of the proposed framework, providing examples and finalization.

Oct 01, 2024

Literature review

Oct 15, 2024

Proposing the Ontological language

Nov 01, 2024

Proposing the atomic functions

Dec 01, 2024

Modeling exampls

Jan 01, 2025

Finalizing and publication

Meet the Team

Behrang Mehrparvar
Behrang Mehrparvar


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Team Bio

Synaptosearch is a freelance company started in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2024. The main activity of the company is in domains of Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and partially Software Engineering. The company’s mission is to serve with research services and consultancy.

Behrang Mehrparvar

Passionate about collaborative interdisciplinary research, mainly in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, data science and software engineering.

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