Ky Su Thiet Ke Thiet Bi Nha Bep

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About This Project

I'm samnhung and I'm a kitchenware design engineer, currently I'm researching on Bep gas 2 hong, Bep gas 3 hong, with water bulb and one without water bulb. I really enjoy my job and I look forward to finishing my studies soon

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I'm samnhung and I'm a kitchenware design engineer, currently I'm researching on Bep gas 2 hong, Bep gas 3 hong, with water bulb and one without water bulb. I really enjoy my job and I look forward to finishing my studies soon

Toi 33 tuoi, chua ket hon va song tai Nam Tu Liem ha noi

Cac san pham thiet ke cua toi

- Ban thao tac inox co banh xe

- Tu nau com 20 khay

- Thong tin bep a cong nghiep

Nhung chiec bep a cong nghiep duoc thiet ke hien dai dep mat phu hop voi moi khong gian nha bep khac nhau giup mang den ve sang trong hien dai cho khong gian do

- Ly do chon tu com cong nghiep

- Tu van thay doi dang ky kinh doanh

- Dieu chinh giay chung nhan dau tu

Cac san pham thiet bi co lien quan khac

- Kien thuc nha bep

- Dieu can biet khi su dung bep a

Mong muon nhung thiet ke cong viec cua toi ngay cang thuan loi hon

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