The Parkinson disease individuals will walk at three fixed speeds and self-selected speed in treadmill. 3D kinematics, ground reaction forces and ventilatory data will be collected.
One challenge that we will facing is the poles available for usage by individuals. We are applying to get public resources but Brazil is passing a recession phase, for that we are trying other possibilities as the crowdfunding.
Pre Analysis Plan
Our two main hypotheses are: (i) the nordic walking will increase the stride length and, therefore, improving the pendular mechanism. Our second hypothesis (ii) declares that the enhanced pendular mechanism will decrease the metabolic cost of walking.
15 Parkinson disease individuals and 15 control subjects will be invited to participate in this study. Computational routines will be built in order to calculate the mechanical work, spatiotemporal parameters, metabolic data, and mechanical efficiency. The generalized estimating equations will be used to compare the effects of Nordic Walking on these parameters (2way, group vs time, alpha=0.05).
This project has not yet shared any protocols.